Grotesque #1 Now up on Etsy!

Grotesque #1 is the first in my new series of prints! The series is inspired by miniatures in medieval manuscripts. Grotesques populated the edges of medieval books, surrounding the central scenes but not a part of them. My goal in this series is to enlarge, and highlight the grotesques themselves. The first grotesque is now for sale on Etsy, and
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Apologies & Recent Projects

Dear Readers, I offer my sincere apologies for not posting for so long! A new job, and lots of projects are to blame. But I have vowed to be much better about posting and showing off all the fun things I have been working on. What follows is a recap of the last few months! I have been learning how
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Two New Cards on Etsy!

I have added two new cards to my Etsy Store (as of last week)! First up, a PURPLE version of my red leaf card! See the listing Here. And Second, Drum roll please…. Call Me, Maybe Greeting Cards! Printed in two colors, this card is the perfect thing to send to all those friends who don’t know how to pick
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Painted Poppies from Red Tail Studios

If you haven’t heard of Red Tail Studios, you are missing out on an amazing artist. Monique Wales creates beautiful woodcuts and etchings, incorporating a variety of techniques that make her prints truly outstanding. Her work is always influenced by nature and the world around her. This week I was totally surprised to learn that I had won Red Tail
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Crafty Wonderland Tomorrow!!

Crafty Wonderland’s Super Colossal Spring Sale is happening tomorrow, Saturday May 11th! I will be there with all my prints and cards and even my Kelsey press (if you want to feel what a real letterpress is like!). Porcuprints is booth #159, so swing on by. As an added incentive, the first 200 shoppers will receive goodie bags with awesome
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My C&P Turns 100 this year!

I finally got around to photographing the serial number on my press so that I could look up when it was made. Low and behold, I found that this year is the centennial of my press’s birth! The serial number on these presses is found on the upper left hand corner of the chase bed. Mine reads D51051. The Chandler
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Mothers Day Show Tomorrow!

Don’t forget to visit my booth at the Artists Creating a Better World Mother’s Day Show tomorrow (May 5th)!! Visit the Facebook Event page to tell everyone you’re going!


New Item: Thank You Card!

I have been so busy trying to make enough inventory for my upcoming shows that I have been extremely lax in adding those items to my Etsy Store. Well, I am happy to say I have finally gotten my latest Thank You Cards listed on Etsy! Here they are in all their glory! The design for this card was inspired
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Craft Show Money Apron

While prepping for my first year of Craft/Art Shows, I realized that I had no way of handling cash. After searching, I found a small, locking cashbox at Goodwill for $5. I thought my problems were solved. But as I got closer to the date of my first show, I just couldn’t see how I was going to handle protecting
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Had a grand time at Crafty Underdog!

I had so much fun on Sunday at Crafty Underdog! It was my first show, so it was all a grand adventure. From the booth setup to the tear down, it was all new. And while there were not a whole lot of visitors (darn you PDX for having blue sky!) it was a wonderful experience none-the-less. I know I
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