Archive for the printmaking Tag

Painted Poppies from Red Tail Studios

If you haven’t heard of Red Tail Studios, you are missing out on an amazing artist. Monique Wales creates beautiful woodcuts and etchings, incorporating a variety of techniques that make her prints truly outstanding. Her work is always influenced by nature and the world around her. This week I was totally surprised to learn that I had won Red Tail
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About Page Live on Etsy

Months after Etsy released the option to add an About page to shops, I have finally gotten mine done! I know, I know. It shouldn’t have taken me so long. But I’ll use the excuse that I just had so much printing to do! 😉 … [click on image to see the full About Page] ~ It feels really nice
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Time Lapse Video of Zodiac

This video has been a long time in the making, only because I kept getting distracted. But here it is, finally! It is a time-lapse of the carving process for my “Zodiac” print. The video focuses on the tools and process of relief printmaking. For more information on this print or to see more of my work, please visit my
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New Block- Carving in Process

Currently I am carving a fun block inspired by Star Trek. You will have to wait until I finish for a full picture, but here is a part of the block that is finished: Check back soon for more pictures!
