Archive for the Heian Shrine Tag

McClain’s 2012 Catalog, Porcuprints Included!

McClain’s 2012 catalog has finally come out. And one of my prints was included! My Heian Shrine print appears on page 21 of the printed version (and page 23 of the online edition). I am not sure what is going on with the pagination, but it is very exciting to be included nevertheless! You can check out the rest of the
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Registration Boards

Having recently moved to the west coast, all of my presses and printing materials are in storage in Texas. This is quite frustrating. However, the printing must continue, so I was forced to explore other methods for registering paper. I opted for the traditional registration board. It was an adventure, from learning about it, to building it, to using it.
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An Exercise in White Space

My latest print, “Heian Shrine in Winter,” turned out to be an exercise in the use of white space. In this four-color print, I have tried to use the uncolored portions of the page to indicate snow. It was a very obvious choice to go with snow, I know, but the exercise was successful in creating an aesthetic composition. Hopefully
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